Русская версия
English version
(495) 221-58-79, 726-07-68

Заказчик может выбрать один из трех режимов Новой Съемки.

  • Automatic Tasking - available for small areas of interest (max. 20 km east-west by 40 km north-south), with standard acquisition parameters of up to 15% cloud cover and a 30° viewing angle. This service, accessible via, provides an estimated collection time based on the requested geographic zone: approximately 60 days in easy areas with low competition/good weather and 120 days in difficult areas with high competition/poor weather. Smaller collection timeframes (30 days) are available over easy areas. Through the Automatic Tasking, ordering a new image is as simple and quick as ordering archive image.
  • Tailored Tasking - ideal for broader, more complex areas of interest, often with specific parameters (reduced cloud cover, limited viewing angle, Stereo, Tristereo, multiple acquisition over the same place, etc.), or for customers who prefer to work with a dedicated in-house expert. These customers will benefit from the experience, advice, and follow up of a satellite tasking specialist, fully engaged to ensure the success of their project. The Tailored Tasking Service is available through our Customer Care department and all levels of service are available: Standard, Priority, and Emergency.
  • Instant Tasking - for expert customers requiring imagery in an emergency. When a crisis occurs, or when information is required immediately, the customer goes to, enters their Area of Interest (limited to a 20 x 20 km zone) and chooses the next satellites passes (Pléiades when resolution is required, SPOT 6 or 7 when coverage is needed). The customer’s request is transmitted directly to the satellite with a maximum priority level. The image is acquired, produced and delivered as quickly as possible, with no commitment on cloud coverage. This is a fully-automated, 24/7 service utilizing the highest reactivity of the four-satellite (Pléiades 1A & 1B, SPOT 6 & 7) Astrium GEO-Information Services constellation.


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© "Гео-Альянс" 2016 г.

Адрес: Москва, Волоколамское шосcе, д.4
Телефоны: (495) 221-58-79, 726-07-68
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